Sunday, September 16, 2012

Burst my Bubble

So, I was sitting here working on my current novel. The one that's almost "done." The one that's at 80,000 words, but needs to get to 90,000. The basic story is done, with the exception of a few scenes, some transitions. So, I was feeling pretty good about the forward progress, then I made the mistake of taking a little break and checking twitter.
One of the entries said something like "You've written The End. What's next?" Well, I clicked on the link, and it was a blog about revision. First revision . . . Second Revision . . . After Editor revisions . . .  Not to mention putting the manuscript away for a couple of weeks . . . a month . . . or more.

Of course I know that revisions and rewriting and editing come next. But it's such a long process. Sigh. For a minute there, I thought I was getting close!