Thursday, February 20, 2014

So sad that we can't trust the world

Just thinking how sad it is that we can’t trust the world with our kids. We spend half our lives having kids, raising them, teaching them, caring for them, loving them. They may cause us pain, grief and frustration, but they are our greatest joy. We’re proud. We’re fiercely protective. We love unconditionally.
Yet we can’t cushion them from external blows. Can’t keep them in a safe bubble. Eventually, they are exposed to the world – whether it’s babysitter, day care, church, school, a date, the grocery store or even our very own yard.
Kids are bullied, hurt, abducted, molested, raped and killed. It happened again just the other day. A young girl was snatched from the street near her own home, in front of witnesses.

What in the world is wrong with people? Something like that is clearly premeditated. How does a person think about doing that and then go through all of the motions required to actually pull it off without somewhere along the way some kind of inner brake taking hold?
It truly boggles my mind how many men out there must have some screwed up DNA, some predatory animal instinct or a complete lack of conscience that would allow them to follow through on that kind of sick behavior. Is it their upbringing? Their environment? Their chemistry? Our society?
And the bigger questions – how can we identify them, and stop them?

You can’t possibly know everyone your child will intersect with. Yet you know not everyone can be trusted. That’s the outrage. We should be able to confidently let our kids out of our sight and not fear for their lives, not fear the people around them.
We can’t keep our kids locked indoors all the time. We can’t be with them around the clock their whole lives. They have to live their lives. It’s so sad that some of those lives get cut short simply by being out in their world.

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