Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Club!

Book Club tonight – at my house! Just finished a major cleaning effort. That's right, for my book club groupies I've actually vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, wiped, mopped, etc. Took care of the most important thing yesterday – stocked up on a nice chardonnay.
Tonight we're discussing a classic, an old favorite – To Kill a Mockingbird. I haven't gotten around to re-reading it yet. But maybe I can thumb through it quickly this afternoon. I've read it multiple times, and of course, have seen the movie several times also.
What an amazing feat by Harper Lee. Her first book an incredible best-seller.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I hope nobody from your book club actually reads your blog, and the "thumbing through" twenty minutes before your meeting!
