Monday, March 28, 2011

Good news!

And now for a bit of good news . . . I was notified over the weekend that I made it through the first-round judging of a writing contest I entered a couple of months ago! The flash-fiction contest is sponsored quarterly by Women on Writing. I entered two pieces, a middle-grade coming-of-age-type story, and a snipet from my current work in progress, which is a women's novel with romantic elements.
At a maximum count of 750 words, both entries are very short.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure which one is moving on to final judging. But I'm excited for the chance to get my writing in front of agent Elaine Spencer from The Knight Agency. She handles both of those kinds of writing.

It seems that I'm getting just enough little positive tidbits to keep me from trashing everything and giving up on the whole writing/publishing endeavor. Guess I'll take that as a sign to keep plugging away!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Critique Group

A critique group! I finally have one – and it's working very well.
Just three people, all serious about getting published, meeting once a week.

The good news is that we seem to be clicking, each of us making progress, and enjoying the process. So far the comments have been valuable, their input helping me see where my manuscript is dragging, what needs cutting or expanding, etc. And so far I don't think anyone's had their feelings hurt. :-)
The bad news is that even though I've almost accomplished my goal of hitting 80,000 words by the end of the month, I still have a lot of work to do! Lots of re-writing and re-thinking. In the end, though, it will be a stronger, more compelling story.

It wasn't easy pulling this together. Had a couple of false starts. Worked with one gal who just couldn't move along as fast as I wanted to. Was invited to join another group, but they rarely met and they read only a few pages at a time – and out loud. I hate that. So finally, I think I have something that's working!
Can't wait to toast success with these ladies. I'm confident we'll each get there eventually!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Club!

Book Club tonight – at my house! Just finished a major cleaning effort. That's right, for my book club groupies I've actually vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, wiped, mopped, etc. Took care of the most important thing yesterday – stocked up on a nice chardonnay.
Tonight we're discussing a classic, an old favorite – To Kill a Mockingbird. I haven't gotten around to re-reading it yet. But maybe I can thumb through it quickly this afternoon. I've read it multiple times, and of course, have seen the movie several times also.
What an amazing feat by Harper Lee. Her first book an incredible best-seller.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Finally, it's March. There's light at the end of that cold, dark and dreary tunnel known as Winter. I look outside today and still see some snow on the ground. And it's kind of windy. But the sun is shining and the daffodils are sprouting. Before I really get started writing today I may have to walk around the squishy yard and peek at all the beds. That ought to keep me inspired for a scene or two!
Come on, Spring!!