Finally! I got some much-needed feedback from an agent! Woo-hoo!!
No, it didn't come with a contract, but it came with some very nice comments and encouragement. I'm very grateful to her for taking the time to actually read my entire manuscript. And then to actually take the time to offer me some helpful, specific advice.
Yes, she pointed out some problems, some of them being simple technical errors that are easily fixed. Others involving craft that aren't quite so easy to fix. But it's enough to keep me going and keep me feeling like I can do this. She liked my voice, my characters, the story. But my favorite line is the one where she declares that I am a writer! :-) Oh, and I really like the part about sending her my next manuscript!
I've printed the email and will keep it close at hand, to be read and re-read whenever I feel discouraged.
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