The kids go back to school today. August 14th. Barely half-way into the month of August. Still summer.
It's so sad. I hate that our local school district robs the kids -- and their parents -- of half a month of summer. Actually, they rob us of almost the entire month, because registration and enrollment happens even earlier. Sports and camps start even earlier. In fact, they've gobbled up pretty much the entire month of August, leaving only June and July for summer.
On an airplane coming back from vacation yesterday, the woman next to me struck up a conversation, and during that I lamented about the school situation. She sort of agreed, but then made a comment about maybe it being for the best because the longer break made it more likely that the kids would lose their study skills and focus. What the hell is wrong with that?!
Kids, and parents, need a break! There's more to learning than going to school. What about summer jobs? Is it really worthwhile for a potential employer to hire a high-school student for an eight-week summer? By the time they get trained and up to speed, they might be efficient, capable and available for six weeks.
What about all the other cool opportunities kids have during summer break? Vacations to interesting places, for one. What I told the woman was that my children have always done interesting activities during the summer, and I hate to see those opportunities cut short. Nature camps, language immersion camps, church camps, band camps, debate camps, art classes just for fun, etc., etc.
And there's plain old down time. Everyone needs it. Sleeping in, lazy days at the pool, a weekend at the lake, hanging out with friends . . .
Summer is a precious time. Let's embrace and enjoy it!